You’re Invited! FLITE Connection Lucky Lounge Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Mixer
Thursday, March 11th from 6 pm - 7pm
Come #TakeFLITE and join us for a Networking Mixer from the comfort of your own home via Zoom! Sip on an In-FLITE Signature Cocktail (included with kit) or bring your own while mingling virtually and networking with fellow members of our community.
Take part in a Cooking Demonstration by FLITE Center Guest Chefs featuring Christine Frederick, CEO of FLITE Center, Julia Philyaw, Associate VP, Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning at Broward College and Bobby Crume, Director of Programs at FLITE Center, enjoy a presentation on FLITE Center’s Pantry and get the opportunity to win prizes.
First Class Ticket: $30
Entry to the Virtual Mixer and KIT containing: In-FLITE Signature Cocktail, Potatoes for Cooking Demonstration, Chocolate Money and a Lucky Scratch-Off Ticket. Pick up kits before March 10th at FLITE Center: 5201 NW 33rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Business Class Ticket: $20
Entry to Virtual Mixer for those who have their own drinks or want to just watch and join in on the fun. KIT not included.